A Journey with Web Serial Simulator Demo v 1.0

Connect your browser directly to a serial device
WebSerial etc.- New in Chrome, version 89 or higher is required. link.
Chrome on Android is not currently supported link
Article reference link

Simply follow the steps below
Step 1: Select a port for each side
IMP: The WebApp port must be different from the simulator port !
Step 2: Select communication parameters

Note:    Recv. Time in ms is the time the software will wait starting from the first byte(s) received hoping that the full message comes in. You can increase this wait in case you are receiving partial or chopped responses.
Step 3: Connect
   Status  OFF

WebApp side

Simulator side

Step 4: Enter command to serial simulator

  Send Continuous:   
Check simulator recd. bytes

Check as a string
Check WebApp received bytes

Check as a string
Step 5: Enter simulator's response to WebApp

Step 6:   
Note:    You can send and receive in a continuous loop by setting "Send Continuous" to yes.
To stop set the same dropdown to No. Ideal for long running stability checks.
Run Status :      No of transmissions : 0   Matches : 0   Errors : 0